Turn Your Office ‘Paper-Light’ Using Lexvia’s Mail Indexing Services


Personal injury practices receive and generate high volumes of documents every day. The volume of paperwork can limit office space, reduce staff productivity, result in oversights and losses, and is not environmentally friendly. Mail indexing services provide firms with a more manageable work environment, freeing up space and time. Read on to see how your firm can go paper-light with Lexvia’s document support services.

How does Lexvia’s mail indexing service work?

1) Your on-site team scans all daily mail (ingoing or outgoing) in one bulk scan per day. This can include USPS mail, documents from the court, handwritten paper notes, records, and any other related reports. The scans are saved onto your system – it does not matter whether there are 100 pages or 10,000. After the scans are completed, your on-site team can distribute, file, or destroy hard copies as needed.

2) Lexvia accesses the bulk scans overnight. They separate the scans into individual documents, label the documents according to your naming convention and then index the documents into the appropriate file in your specific case management system.

3) The following morning, you can review Lexvia’s daily indexing report, which lists all documents received and helps you determine which documents require further attention from you or the client.

4) If you are using other services, the indexing team can also automatically alert other teams to create calendar entries, task assignments, and even documents based on your specific protocols.

How can your firm benefit from daily mail indexing?

1) Lexvia’s daily mail indexing keeps your office tidy and cuts out the piles of paper on desks.

2) Prioritize your tasks through the daily indexing report and focus on productivity: ensure court documents and case-related appointments are dealt with first.

3) Save time on combing through piles of paper or unsearchable PDFs by accessing documents through your case management system’s search function or searching within the mail index report.

4) Lexvia documents and indexes your mail after you have closed for the day, allowing you to hit the ground running at the beginning of each day.

Help your firm streamline tasks, search, access specific materials conveniently, and benefit the environment with Lexvia’s document support services.